This section contains a list of the outcomes of our Erasmus+ project. The order of the following list is alphabetical for convenience, but it includes references to the corresponding project activities. The same outcomes are also included in the descriptions of our activities.
- About Cyberbullying, presentation by Dante Alighieri High School students (PDF) (C3: extra)
- A Digitalized Future. Project in Scratch (Scratch page)
- A Digitalized Future. Project in Scratch (Video)
- An example of a comic book on the topic of cyberbullying created by students (extra)
- Basic Concepts on Cryptography (C2: 1 interactive dictionary on cryptography)
- Caesar Cipher’s Encryption and Decryption (video material) and the Scratch program (C2: 9 simple programs for text codification)
- Can you unscramble the message? (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
- Cipher Worksheets (C2: 9 simple programs for text codification)
- Cryptography (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
- Cryptography Essential Elements (C4: 1 interactive presentation about cracking codes)
- Cryptography Worksheet (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
- Cryptography Worksheet — The Caesar Shift (C2: 9 simple programs for text codification)
- Cyberbullying Awareness Campaign (C1: 1 draft of the cyber-bullying campaign dedicated to students)
- Cyberbullying: Stats and facts in Greece and in our school. Howe do we tackle it? (C3: 1 handbook on mitigation, focusing on techniques, psychological approaches and questionnaires)
- Cyber Criminals and Cyber Attacks. Types and Features (C3: extra)
- CyberSecurity Law: Greece (C1: 1 presentation of the cybersecurity law) and Romania (C3: 1 presentation of the cybersecurity law)
- Cybersecurity & Data Protection (GDPR) Essentials Dictionary – Draft (C5: 1 draft of the interactive cybersecurity and GDPR essentials dictionary dedicated to students)
- Cybersecurity Essentials. Common Terms for Common People (C1: 1 handbook on the basic concepts of Cybersecurity)
- Cybersecurity. Full questionnaire Assessment (C1: extra)
- Cyber-warfare, GDPR, and Cyberbullying in Greece and in Alikianos General High School. A short Briefing (C3: 1 guidelines about GDPR)
- Cyber Warfare. Essential Aspects (C4: 1 interactive presentation about cracking codes)
- Cyber Warfare Events final (C4: 1 interactive presentation about cracking codes)
- Cyber Warfare present and future final (C4: 1 interactive presentation about cracking codes)
- Data Integrity. Its Types, Aspects and Threats to It (C5: 1 handbook on the basic concepts of data integrity)
- Data Integrity Analysis. Student-oriented (C4: 1 data integrity analysis students oriented)
- Data Phishing Analysis. Student-oriented (C6: 1 data phishing analysis students oriented)
- Diagram detailing the procedure for fighting bullying (C1: 1 guidelines about the prevention of cyber-bullying for teachers and students)
- Digital Citizenship Security (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
- “Digital Way Today and Tomorrow!” Project Presentation
- Educational systems in Romania, Greece, and Türkiye
- Enigma 1 (C4: extra)
- Example of Procedure concerning Prevention and Figthing Violence, Bullying, Cyberbullying in School (C3: 1 handbook on mitigation, focusing on techniques, psychological approaches and questionnaires)
- Extract of Simple Encoder and ENIGMA (Application Code in VBA programming language) (C4: 3 Python or other relevant language programming for cryptography)
- Google Drive folder with Python and other programming language apps for cryptography (C6: 4 Python or other relevant language programming for cryptography)
- Introduction to Encryption. Basic Encryption, Hashing, Stenography (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
- Kontrol bende (presentation in Turkish language) / I Am in Control (C5: extra)
- Lise öğrencilerinin siber zorbalik düzeyleri ve siber zorbaliğa karşi verdikleri tepkilerin çeşitli değişkenler açisindan incelenmesi (Investigation of high school students’ cyberbullying levels and their responses to cyberbullying in terms of various variables.) — Research study by Turkish project partner
- Loads of Codes – Cryptography Activities for the Classroom (C2: 9 simple programs for text codification)
- Paper ENIGMA worshop handout (C4: 3 Python or other relevant language programming for cryptography)
- Phishing Cases with High Impact (C6: extra)
- Privacy & Data Protection for Education. Two Basic Issues (C3: 1 guidelines about GDPR)
- Projects using Scratch on the jobs of the future, bullying and cyberbulling, and cryptography (C2: 3 Scratch animations on the jobs of the future)
- “Protect Your Digital Way Today and Tomorrow!” Project Presentation (Dissemination)
- “Protect Your Digital Way Today and Tomorrow!” Project Presentation at 2019 ECDL Conference (Dissemination)
- Scratch Animation. Interview on the Jobs of the Future — video material and Scratch (Extra)
- Scratch Animation on Cybersecurity (Video)
- Scratch Project. A Digitalized Future — video material and Scratch (Extra)
- Screenshots of Javascript CAESAR Cipher available online (PDF) (C4: 3 Python or other relevant language programming for cryptography)
- Short Bio and Work of Alan Turing (C4: extra)
- Simulation of Cyber-Attacks. Lets play “Hacker”! (C6: 1 interactive presentation about phishing methods of protection (anti-viruses, firewall, data backup))
- Social Media: Are You Playing It Safe? (C5: 1 guidelines about the ways of protecting young users on social media and best practices)
- Social Media – Introduction (C5: 1 presentation about the social media)
- Stop bullying!,, (C4: 3 Drama and videos)
- The British Bomb Machine (C4: extra)
- The History of Cryptography (C2: 1 online history of cryptography)
- Video material on fighting cyberbullying (C1: 1 guidelines about the prevention of cyber-bullying for teachers and students)
- What Is Encryption? Https:// or Http://? (C2: 9 interactive presentations)
Certification awarding. Chania, Greece, December 2021.