Dissemination activity at Nicolae Labis Secondary School (Sep 16, 2022)
L’esperienza Erasmus
Il Liceo «Dante Alighieri» ha il piacere di essere coinvolto in numerosi partenariati e progetti Erasmus, perciò desideriamo condividere anche con voi, cari lettori, le esperienze vissute quest’anno. E quando dico anno, penso all’anno scolastico iniziato nel settembre del…
2022-09-25012Experiența Erasmus din “Dante Alighieri” la ceas de seară
Liceul Teoretic „Dante Alighieri” are bucuria de a fi implicat în numeroase parteneriate și proiecte Erasmus, de aceea vrem să vă împărtășim și vouă, dragi cititori, experiențele pe care le-am trăit în acest an. Și când spun an, mă…
2022-09-25Extensive Article about Our Erasmus+ Experience
Siamo di nuovo insieme, the journal of RO.AS.IT, the association of Italian citizens living in Romania, published six pages about our project in its July-September edition. The Erasmus+ experience was told by Daniela Ducu, project coordinator, and translated into…
2022-09-25Dissemination Activity at Nicolae Labis Secondary School
On September 16, the students that participated in our Erasmus+ project mobility were involved in a dissemination activity at “Nicolae Labis” Secondary School. They spoke about their experience and benefits of being involved in an Erasmus+ project and encouraged…
2022-09-21Our Project at the Bucharest ECDL Conference
In Octomber 2019, our Erasmus+ project was presented at the ECDL Conference held in Bucharest, Romania, by two of the professors associated with the project. “Protect Your Digital Way Today and Tomorrow!” is meant to raise awareness, engage and…
2020-07-15“Dante Alighieri” Students Learn about Cyber Security (2)
On February 11, 2020, Dante Alighieri High School organized two new meetings on cyber security for its students. This time, the guests were cyber security specialists from Infosys and Bitdefender, two major companies working on cyber security. During the…
2020-02-11“Dante Alighieri” Students Learn about Cyber Security (1)
In January 2020, Dante Alighieri High School continued to host dissemination activities for our Erasmus+ project focused on cyber security and prevention of cyberbullying. This time, our guests came from Infosys, a well-known international company specialized in cybersecurity solutions….
2020-01-26Second Meeting on Computer Security
In December 2019, Dante Alighieri High School hosted a second meeting with the Romanian Computer Science specialist that visited us when we marked the International Computer Security Day last month. He continued to talk about how computer viruses function…
2019-12-22Meeting with IT Professionals to Celebrate the International Computer Security Day
On November 30, students from Dante Alighieri High School met with a Romanian Computer Science specialist who explained them how computer viruses function and how anti-virus solutions can help us protect our devices. Our quest also talked about phishing,…